Fractional rf microneedling machine treatments
The fractional rf microneedling machine generates and delivers rf energy into dermis through the sterile radiofrecuencia fraccionada con microagujas rf tip. Delivered rf energy converts into heat energy in the dermis and can be used as indicated on most skin types and colour, and on almost any area of the face or body.
When it is applied under optional local or topical anesthesia, sterile radiofrecuencia fraccionada con microagujas rf create numerous microscopic channels deep into the dermis of skin to help stimulate body's own healing response to produce new collagen. The precise delivery of rf energy to can choice-depths of penetration gives fractional rf microneedling machine exceptional outcomes. Skin microagujas stimulates processes that help skin build up natural collagen and elastin in the treatment area. This target-focused treatment will not touch the surrounding skin and has fast recovery time.
Since radiofrecuencia fraccionada con microagujas rf are insulated except the edge part (0.3mm) microagujas of electrodes of fractional machine deliver rf bi-polar energy directly into the dermis without causing damage to the epidermis. Minimally invasive rf thermal energy produces fractional electrocoagulation in the dermis, thus boosts a natural Wound Healing Process. WHM promotes the remodeling of collagen, elastin and wound tightening, which enhances skin rejuvenation.
Radio frequency (RF) is one of the most innovative treatments for chronic wound healing and skin regeneration. It has been shown to reduce skin flaccidity, wrinkles, and cutaneous aging. Not only it stimulates dermal remodeling but RF also inhibits sebaceous gland activity to improve acne.